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ULTIMATE II Shark Cartilage

ULTIMATE II Shark Cartilage

Code: 103
Package Size: 60 capsules
Suggested Use: Take two (2) capsules daily or as needed as a dietary supplement.

Price: US$ 29.50

What is ULTIMATE II Shark Cartilage?
Ultimate II is s shark cartilage product. It is a highly cleansed and concentrated formula. To insure freshness, Ultimate II comes in a preservative-free vegetable capsule.

The Results Are In On Shark Cartilage
Having survived virtually unchanged for many years, the shark is certainly one of the most remarkable creatures on the face of our planet. The shark appears to be the only animal with a natural immunity to cancer and practically every disease known to man. When wounded it heals quickly; it even has five sets of teeth and can form new ones if needed. The shark is also the only animal with a skeleton comprised entirely of cartilage; a tough, bone-like tissue that accounts for eight percent of its total weight. Scientists now believe it is the shark’s cartilage skeleton which is responsible for this super immunity.

Researchers worldwide are investigating the shark’s natural resistance to disease. There has been an explosion of medical research on shark cartilage’s amazing ability.

What makes shark cartilage so special is that it contains mucopolysaccharides in a concentration one thousand times greater than found in any other type of cartilage.

Arthritis And Cartilage Research
Dr. Stephen Freedman, marine biologist and immunobiochemist at the University of Utah, is particularly interested in the anti-inflammatory aspects of shark cartilage. These properties are in addition to its angiogenesis inhibiting ability and are produced by powerful anti-inflammatory molecules called mucopolysaccharides. Dr. Freedman cites exciting scientific research on using shark cartilage supplements in the successful treatment of arthritis. These experiments were conducted in Belgium and by Mote Labs in Florida and were overwhelmingly effective in relieving joint pain and inflammation.

A dozen elderly arthritic patients with severe knee pain were treated with shark cartilage by Dr. Joseph Orcasity, M.D., a consultant at the University of Miami Medical School. He reported that after four weeks of taking shark cartilage, most patients exhibited reduced pain and swelling and greater mobility.

Dr. Allen Pressman, a prominent sports nutritionist, routinely uses shark cartilage in his healthy and active patient population as an adjunct in the treatment of low back joint pains. He reports that using shark cartilage as a treatment is becoming widely accepted in the medical community. In his acutely injured patients he finds an almost immediate reduction in pain and swelling and a marked increase in the range of limb motion.

Clinical Uses
The current medical literature contains much scientific evidence that shark cartilage is a tremendously effective treatment in many degenerative and inflammatory conditions. Amazingly, we look to one of earth’s oldest and most feared creatures to provide the means to treat or ameliorate many of our most devastating and enigmatic diseases.

Supplement Facts


Amount Per Serving

Shark cartilage

250 mg *

*Daily value not established.

Other ingredients: gelatin, calcium sulfate, maltodextrin, collagen, talc, magnesium stearate and silica.

Price: US$ 29.50

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